During the month of May, I spent most of my time working on my Boarding School Blues and Confessions of a Teenage Celebrity serials. I also was able to make some changes to my website (but they're not ready to go live quite yet) and get some beta readers for a different project. This month, I'm hoping to change gears and get some projects into the pre-publication stages.

During NaNoWriMo, I had a daily check in with other writers and I really enjoyed doing this. So, I am going to continue doing it. Each month, I will place a shout out to the Writing Community. Anyone who wants daily encouragement will be welcome to join our little shout-out party. So, search for today's message on the sidebar and comment with your writing goals for the month.
As you know, I have been posting chapters from the Boarding School Blues series each week on Reddit, Scribblehub, FictionPress, and Patreon. Chapters are currently coming from the second book in the series: Boarding School Boyfriends.
As you know, I have been posting chapters from the Boarding School Blues series each week on Reddit, Scribblehub, FictionPress, and Patreon. Chapters are currently coming from the second book in the series: Boarding School Boyfriends.
May also marked the release of it's brother series: Confessions of a Teenage Celebrity. The same story is told from Pat's perspective instead of Melinda's. I release this series approximately 1/2 a chapter a week.
Camp Piquaqua will be available to read online while it goes through some beta readers and final editing.

During NaNoWriMo, I had a daily check in with other writers and I really enjoyed doing this. So, I am going to continue doing it. Each month, I will place a shout out to the Writing Community. Anyone who wants daily encouragement will be welcome to join our little shout-out party. So, search for today's message on the sidebar and comment with your writing goals for the month.
I think that is all for this month. I look forward to hearing from everyone on Twitter and the serials. Feel free to comment here, too.