Have you heard this old joke: What's a dentist's favorite time? Tooth-hurty (as in 2:30).
No, I am not giving up my career to become a stand-up comedian. I am writing this with half of my mouth numb. I just came back from the dentist. They removed some old fillings on two neighboring teeth, drilled out another small cavity, then sealed me all back up again. I suppose I should be grateful that it wasn't worse. But I'm still kind of miserable.
Now that my mouth is regaining feeling, however, I was able to make myself some soup to make me feel better.
Soup is a big thing in my world. According to my mother, when I was little, I had it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. I'm not surprised. A nice hearty soup is always one of my favorite comfort foods.
It's such a big part of my world that our American Heritage Girls scout troop sells prepackaged soup mixes for our annual fundraiser. You know the kind. Add some water or broth, maybe some tomatoes or chicken or some other ingredients. They're ready in half an hour and a little package makes "eight" servings. Except, if you're anything like me, you eat it out of a cereal bowl and it ends up being closer to three servings.
So, that has me thinking.
Choose Your Own Path Stories
The Detention Adventure is an interactive young adult story.
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Hartfield Chronicles
Hartfield Chronicles follows the lives of Melinda, Pat, and their friends as they navigate their way through boarding school life.
Each episode features two stories, one from Melinda's point of view and one from Pat's, along with an excerpt from Melinda's writing journal.
New episodes are published every Wednesday.
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Cave of Time A short fantasy adventure
Would you do anything for magic?
The desire grows urgent as deadly forces arise from years of captivity. Years of magical absence has left the village defenseless. But just when everything seems bleak, an ordinary boy rises up to the challenge. Will he be able to prove himself among his cruel peers? Will he even reach the Cave of Time before it’s too late?
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