The Detention Adventure - Episode 12

The Detention

The Detention Adventure
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The Detention Adventure

The Detention Adventure is an interactive Choose Your Own Path story. Each episode, readers vote for the path they would like to take. Together, we will follow the path with the most votes.

The Detention Adventure

Closing your eyes, you again try to picture your world. You hear familiar sounds around you. Classmates are shouting. Cars are honking their horns. You even hear an airplane overhead.

Focusing on those sounds, you open your eyes.

What do you see?

  • You are back in your world. Gabe is sitting on a nearby curb stop.
  • You are back in your world, but Gabe is nowhere to be seen.
  • You are still in the forest. Gabe is glaring at you.

It worked! You can’t believe it. You’re back at the school. Even better, you’re in the parking lot. No more detention. But as you raise your fist in a celebratory whoop, you realize something is missing.

Or rather, someone.

Gabe is nowhere to be seen. Did he return elsewhere? Maybe he’s in the library. Serves him right. He should have been the one serving detention anyway.

But you should probably check on him. Besides, you need to return the dragon tooth necklace to the book before Mrs. Vile finds another excuse to give you detention.

Of course, there’s no need to rush. As you slowly make your way through the school, you roll the tooth through your fingers. You still have so many questions. Who was the Driman guy who used the necklace last? Did he find it during detention, too? And where did the necklace even come from? How did it have magic in your world, a land without magic?

You’re still full of questions when you reach the library. Mrs. Vile is at her desk, too engrossed in a book to notice anything around her. You slip inside and stealthily make your way to the back of the room. You check every aisle twice, but Gabe is nowhere to be seen.

Great. He must still be in Maguth.

Of course, no one says you have to get him. How much easier life could be if he just disappeared. Who would miss the school bully anyway?

But, as tempting as it is, you can’t seem to do it. The dragon tooth in your hand grows heavier by the minute. With a sigh, you admit the truth to yourself. You have to go back for Gabe.

Closing your eyes, you try to picture the Furth Maguthes tree. Almost instantly, you can see Ayaldwitha and Gabe. They haven’t moved. Focusing all your energy on the tree, you will yourself back to Reeself.

You open your eyes to see Ayaldwitha shaking his head. “I didn’t want to discourage you, but I didn’t expect it to work.”

You send him a look of confusion. “What do you mean? I was back at home. Was there for a good ten, twenty minutes.”

Gabe snorts. “Wow. What an imagination. You never left, moron. You stood there, made a face like you were constipated, then opened your eyes. Should’ve gotten a video of that.”

“Ugh. I don’t know why I bothered coming back for you. Should have left you here. It’s not like anyone would miss you.”

Gabe sneers, but Ayaldwitha gets to his feet. “Do you mean to tell me you have found your way home?”

You nod. “Yeah. I only came back because I didn’t think Gabe should stay here. I like you too much to do that too you.”

The elder’s eyes fill with excitement. “Do you think you could take someone back with you then?”

You shrug. “That’s the plan. I’m hoping that if Gabe holds the dragon tooth with me, we can get back.”

“I wonder…” Ayaldwitha stares at the Furth Maguthes without finishing his sentence. You wait patiently, but he seems too lost in thought to speak.

Gabe doesn’t seem to have your patience. “So, are we going home or what? I got things to do.”

You scoff. “Like what? Torment more classmates?”

The elder steps between you two, turning to you. “I wonder. If we were to strengthen the tooth with enough nectar, you could probably carry two people to your world.”

You nod. “Yeah. That was my plan.” Didn’t you just tell him that?

“What if you strengthen it with a little more? Do you think it could bring three people to your land?

You frown. “Three? Why three?”

“I have always been fascinated by humans. I would love to visit your land.”

You shrug. “Sure. Why not?”

Gabe shakes his head. “Can we hurry this up?”

“I still say we leave you behind. But that would be too cruel to the elves.” Shaking your head, you place the dragon tooth in the tree again. You can feel the power flowing through it.

Again, you hold it until it is almost too hot to touch. Wincing, you force yourself to leave it a little longer. Another minute, maybe two. Eventually, however, the tooth scalds your hand. You drop it, glancing at your palm even as you shake it.

It stings, but the skin is unburnt. Picking up the tooth, you step away from the Furth Maguthes and turn to your companions. “Okay. Let’s try this.”

Ayaldwitha stands on your right while Gabe moves to your left. Holding the pendant tightly, you nod. “Okay. Everyone put your hand on the tooth and, well, don’t let go.”

You close your eyes, again trying to picture home. But just in case this works, you wish yourself back in the library. Gabe deserves detention, too.

When you open your eyes, what do you see?

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