YA Free Reads and Deals

This Week's Newsletter

This week's newsletter contains the following features:
(Feel free to skip ahead to what you want to read)

What's new with Ashleigh?

Happy Wednesday. Can you believe it’s nearly May? I apologize for missing my last newsletter. And for sending this so late. This month has completely gotten away from me.

As you know, I recently returned to working full time. The past week has been particularly difficult, trying to rewrite my lesson plans to include my in-class tutor. Throw in three interviews for next year, two dance competitions, and a karate tournament, and I really have had no idea what day it is.

Not that I’m complaining. I am enjoying my time in the classroom. Even my more challenging students. And we are still finding time for family activites.

This weekend, we went to the amusement park. We told the children we were going to our religious education class. It took nearly 20 minutes for the first one to say "It doesn't usually take this long to get there." About 20 minutes later, they expected us to turn around. It wasn't until we pulled into the parking lot that they realized where we were going. And they had a ball. It was a much needed Family Fun Day.

What about you?
Have you ever surprised someone [or been surprised] with a family fun day?

Now, since I’m still adjusting to my new schedule, I am sending the same What's New with Ashleigh to each of ny newsletters this week. So, if you receive multiple emails, you may want to scroll down to the free reads and deals tomorrow.

Hartfield Chronicles

Hartford Chronicles

Hartfield Chronicles follows the lives of Melinda, Pat, and their friends as they navigate their way through boarding school life.

Each episode features two stories, one from Melinda's point of view and one from Pat's, along with an excerpt from Melinda's writing journal.

New episodes are published every Wednesday.

Free Books

Camp Piquaqua

Camp Piquaqua


Ana has the perfect job. Unfortunately, it means working with TJ.

We quickly huddled together, burying our heads under our bags. I lost track of time under the table with TJ's arm around me, shielding me from the storm. I was surprised that this annoying creature could make me feel so safe. I squeezed my eyes shut as a barrage of unfamiliar noises assaulted my ears and wondered whether I would ever open them again.

Seventeen-year-old Ana cannot wait for summer, when she gets to co-lead the overnight hikes at her uncle's family camp. Sure, it means working with her brother-in-law, TJ, a boy her age whom she cannot stand. But, she is willing to put aside their differences in order to have a fantastic summer. When tragedy strikes, Ana and TJ must work together, with the help of the legendary piquaqua bird, to help restore the camp in time for summer.

Want more free books? Check out these giveaways!

Cozy Winter Giveaway: Fantasy - Ends 4/28 - MG,YA, Spring Children's Book Giveaway - Ends 5/15 - MG,YA,

Other Books on Sale

Becoming Birgit

Becoming Birgit

When I went to bed, I dreamt that a girl slightly younger than I was sitting at my desk in my room, writing in her reflections journal. Her unkempt hair reached halfway down her back and her head was bowed low to the desk as she wrote feverishly. After a moment, the girl looked up and her soft brown eyes caught sight of me. She put down her pen, closed her journal, and stood, turning to face me. As she handed me her journal, she spoke in a quiet, pleading voice.

"I know you don't think much of me now," she began. "But, my writing is immature. Give me a chance to grow before you make your decision."

She was gone in the blink of an eye and I was left standing in the middle of my room with the journal in my hand.

When Birgit discovers an old diary, she assumes reading it will help her identify the author. As she delves deeper into the journal, however, she receives the guidance to learn more about herself and her Catholic identity than she ever anticipated.

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Check Out My Books

A New Home Adjusting to a New Life Innocent Bystander Camp Piquaqua Elephant on My Chest Becoming Birgit